Smoking tobacco carries serious risks to health, including increased risk of cancer, heart disease and lung diseases like emphysema and chronic obstructive pulmonary disorder (COPD). But many smokers are now switching to vaporized nicotine instead of traditional cigarettes, allowing them to quit smoking altogether or cut down on their tobacco use. Vaping is also considered safer than smoking by leading health organisations, including Public Health England and the Royal College of Physicians.
Unfortunately, vaping often gets bad press. While some reports highlight positive aspects of vaping, these are often swamped by stories of hypothetical and exaggerated dangers. The result is that people are confused about the true benefits and potential risks of e-cigarettes.

A recent study published in the American Journal of Preventive Medicine suggests that adult smokers who shift to vaping may have improved chances for a healthier lifestyle. The researchers compared the health outcomes of smokers who switched to using vaporizers some or all the time with those of those who continued to smoke traditional tobacco cigarettes. The team monitored the participants at age 30 and again at 39, assessing their overall physical health, exercise routines and social engagement. The results indicated that the group of adults who had shifted to using e-cigarettes experienced better physical health and were more likely to exercise regularly, as well as engage in social activities.
The researchers also found that those who smoked combustible cigarettes were more likely to report poorer mental health and a greater tendency to drink alcohol or engage in other unhealthy behaviors, such as overeating. They were also more likely to be unemployed or have a low social grade. However, the research showed that the group of adults who shifted to using e-cigarettes were less likely to smoke or drink alcohol and to have a lower social grade. Paying a visit the top vape store in loganville ga could help as they can provide you with better advise.
One of the most significant findings from the research was that the levels of toxins and carcinogens measured in the blood of participants who had shifted to using vaporizers were significantly lower than those of smokers. While some toxins were still present, they were at significantly lower concentrations, and for many of these, the levels in the blood were similar to those of non-smokers.
While the findings indicate that it is possible for adult smokers to improve their health by shifting to a more healthy habit, the researchers stress that it is crucial for these people to make the switch completely. They warn that transitioning to vaping just sometimes, or using e-cigarettes only in specific situations where it isn’t permitted, can re-normalize smoking, which has been declining for years, and potentially erode the hard-won gains in efforts to stop people from taking up the habit. This would be a major setback to the worldwide movement to curb smoking. In order to reap the full benefits of vaping, adults who switch must quit smoking entirely and ensure that they are not mixing tobacco products. Achieving this will help them achieve the best possible outcome, which is a life free of the harmful effects of cigarette smoking.